Oberlo Shutdown, What’s Next? 5 Dropshipping Supply Alternatives

Today, June 15, 2022, the Oberlo app officially shut down, all historical data were removed, there’s no such an app in the Shopify app store anymore, nowhere to be found – the end of an era. Oberlo used to be the most popular dropshipping app of all time, probably one of the most well-known apps in the Shopify dropshipping space.

So many dropshipping OGs started with Oberlo, so many so-called “gurus” stepped on their journey with Oberlo, many apps that imitate Oberlo, some were successful, and some disappeared in the ever-changing market – rumor has it that CJdropshipping, one of the few leading dropshipping supply platforms in China, was inspired from Oberlo.

However, if you are new to dropshipping and have not heard of this name, Oberlo was an app that allowed users to link AliExpress products to their Shopify stores so that dropshipping merchants can easily import products and then have them fulfilled from AliExpress vendors.

Nowadays there are countless apps that can do the exact same things as Oberlo, or even, are doing a better job. If you were an Oberlo user, or if you are still new to dropshipping this fulfillment model, what’s your choice now? Who can help your online business grow better? In this article we’ll name 5 alternatives to Oberlo, some of them you might have heard of, some of them may be quite different than Oberlo, but they are all competitive enough to be mentioned on this sentimental day of Oberlo’s sunset.

#1 DSers – the official recommendation

DSers is the official eCommerce solution of AliExpress, a Chinese eCommerce platform that was developed by Alibaba Group. Founded in 2018, DSers is currently the largest SaaS of intelligent supply chain solutions for dropshipping sellers in the Shopify ecosystem.

This tool helps you with:

  • Importing products from AliExpress

  • Tracking AliExpress orders status in real-time

  • Syncing tracking number from AliExpress

  • Migrate data from Oberlo automatically with one click

Both Oberlo and DSers can only import products from AliExpress suppliers. The main difference between them is that Oberlo’s free plan doesn’t contain bulk orders and shipment tracking. Plus, Oberlo only worked with Shopify stores, while DSers does have these features in their free plan and can be integrated with Shopify, WooCommerce, and Wix.

Basically, with the merger of Oberlo, DSers will further consolidate the top position of sellers in supply chain management, thus if you are into the dropshipping from AliExpress model, DSers could be a nice choice.

#2 Spocket – the popular choice

Spocket integrates with both Shopify and WooCommerce stores. What made Spocket so special is that it supports you to launch a dropshipping business selling products from suppliers located in both the States and the EU with just a few clicks.

There are tens of thousands of products on Spocket (including print-on-demand products). Moreover, you can order sample products from most of the suppliers on Spocke which is amazing if quality control is important to you.

With good product quality and global suppliers, Spocket offers a 14-day free trial and the pricing plan starts from $24 monthly to $99 per month.

#3 AutoDS – the comprehensive product tool

AutoDS is an excellent tool for product research and importing. Its 24/7 price & stock monitoring can ensure you never miss an update from your supplier.

Unlike many other tools which only support importing from AliExpress, AutoDS supports importing from a lot of supply platforms: Amazon, Walmart, Banggood, Gearbest, CJdropshipping, Wayfair, Homedepot, Costco, Etsy, eBay, Target, Wish, and others…

With AutoDS, it’s easy to manage your product description, inventory, order info, and so much more. The service fee of AutoDS starts from $24 to $197 per month, it’s easy to choose a plan that suits your budget from the four options it offers.

#4 AliDropship – the dropshipping solution for WordPress

Some merchants switch to WordPress and WooCommerce from Shopify for more freedom. Because with Shopify, you don’t really own the store, you just rent it, so your business needs to live by Shopify’s rules such as fixed themes and display. But with WordPress, you’ll have all the power you need to create something amazing.

AliDropship is for people who would like to have more control over their online business. It helps you import products that you want from AliExpress to your dropshipping store (built with WordPress or WooCommerce of course). This plugin offers tons of great features, click here to check their official introduction.

But is AliDropship easy to use? The answer is both yes and no. If you have some experience with WordPress, using AliDropship to build a dropshipping business is a piece of cake, however, if you are not familiar with CMS, it might get a bit tricky. That’s why even with all the limitations, Shopify is still the most popular choice when it comes to building an online store – hassle-free under the price of the subscription fee it charges.

#5 iYoowe – to be the last dropshipping partner you need

Compared to the alternatives mentioned above, iYoowe is quite a new name to everyone. Frankly speaking, this is a very new dropshipping supply platform founded in early 2022 – not even a year old.

Why would you choose a newborn platform instead of all those “mature” ones?

Well, for one, dropshipping is no longer a secretive industry, the logic behind this model is now very transparent (shout out to educational content created by Oberlo and other great channels). This transparency makes it both easier and harder for the new coming apps.

It’s easier to design a dropshipping supply app now as there are many examples (no matter good or bad) for developers to learn from; it’s harder cause the difficulty to stand out increases along with the fast-growing number of dropshipping apps in the market.

Just like any other comprehensive dropshipping supply platform, iYoowe supports store authorization, order syncing, product sourcing, quality inspecting, and tons of dropshipping fulfillment services.

So how does this “newborn” plan to stand out? – with providing quality supply & a better dropshipping workflow, plus the best shipping experience of course. (check our shipping guarantee policy here).

Indeed, it takes time to grow a big and detailed marketplace that covers enough products to meet the needs of every dropshipper, but the determination and a hint of luck to gather around a team that is dedicated to providing a better dropshipping experience for all dropshippers.

The chance of you clicking in our marketplace, iYoowe Selected, and finding no ideal product is pretty big currently. Don’t quit yet, try posting a sourcing request for free, the chance of the product getting hunted down and fulfilled perfectly in a timely fashion is 100%.

Let’s meet today 🙂

Last but not the least:

Oberlo sparked the dropshipping revolution on YouTube, with their great courses and tutorials, and more people know and learn about dropshipping.

There’s no way for us to find out why exactly Shopify decided to cancel this app which they acquired 5 years ago.

Is it because the AliExpress dropshipping model is no longer believed by Shopify? And if so, what’s next for dropshippers? How to evolve into a better dropshipping business model? What to optimize?

On this very special day, these are the questions that wait to be answered by every dropshipping business owner.

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